A Guide to using Hexadecimals for Color in R
Hexadecimals allow for specificity and flexibility.
In R, hexadecimal (hex) color codes are commonly used to specify colors in graphics and plots. Hexadecimal codes represent colors as a combination of red, green, and blue (RGB) values, where each color is represented by a two-digit hexadecimal number ranging from 00 to FF (0 to 255 in decimal).
Stated another way, we define a color as a 6 hexadecimal digit number of the form #RRGGBB
. Where the RR
is for red, GG
for green and BB
for blue and value ranges from 00
to FF
For example, #FF0000
would be red and #00FF00
would be green similarly, #FFFFFF
would be white and #000000
would be black. The color code #0000FF
represents pure blue, while##FF0000
represents pure red. Here are two examples:
temp <- c(5,7,6,4,8)
barplot(temp, col="#c00000", main="#c00000") # this is the first plot
barplot(temp, col="#AA4371", main="#AA4371") # this is the second plot